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About Us

In February 2023, I stumbled upon a captivating video and a detailed guide on Instructables about creating the “Hollow Clock 4.” As someone with an insatiable passion for all things Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and microcontrollers, I was instantly hooked and embarked on my journey to craft a Hollow Clock masterpiece.

Upon completing my Hollow Clock, I couldn’t resist sharing my creation on social media. To my astonishment, a flood of messages poured in from friends, many of whom were eager to have their own, some even sending me money before I had a chance to respond – talk about enthusiasm!

Over time, my hands were busy crafting more and more Hollow Clocks. These timepieces came in a dazzling array of colors and designs, and my friends began requesting customizations to match their unique tastes. Some even had creative ideas of their own, sparking my curiosity. I dove into 3D modeling and used a 3D printer to bring these one-of-a-kind Hollow Clocks to life.

Of course, no journey is without its share of challenges. I tackled Arduino debugging issues, fine-tuned the program, and worked tirelessly to improve the quality of my 3D printed Hollow Clocks.

With the unwavering support and encouragement of friends and fellow Arduino enthusiasts, I continued to refine and perfect my creations. Finally, in September 2023, I took a significant step and collaborated with a manufacturer to bring my original Hollow Clock design to life in a batch production. Then, in October 2023, I proudly launched my website, a hub for connecting with Arduino enthusiasts and showcasing my exceptional Hollow Clocks.

Today, we offer two types of Hollow Clocks for your delight and convenience. The first is our standard Hollow Clocks, inspired by designs that have won hearts among my friends. You can easily place an order through our online store. The second option is our custom Hollow Clocks, where you have the freedom to choose colors and shapes that resonate with your personal style. Feel free to reach out if you have any creative ideas in mind; I’m here to bring your visions to life!

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